Friday 30 December 2011

My first Post

I have decided to start this blog to reflect on this joyful, but difficult time in my life.
I hope to meet others who understand and can appreciate the challenges that come with being a mother, and wife. I hope to here others insight, and stories as well.
A little background. I'm 26 years old, married to a wonderful man for 3 1/2 years. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter Bryn, and a 3 month old daughter Brie. I work part time as a nurse, but have taken the opportunity to be off for the 1st year of my 2nd daughters life (did the same with my 1st). Although this time I often feel like it would be nice to go to work a couple days a week, just to get away (although, I probably wouldn't feel that way after a long night with no sleep, which is usually the case right now)

I find I have insufficient emotional support from my friends and family these days, so I'm going to use this blog to vent my feelings when needed, brag about the good times, and reminisce.
 If I do not receive any helpful comments, or followers over time, then at the very least, I will be able to look back at these posts, and remember this trying time, and all the wonderful things that go along with it.

One of the most difficult things for me is that my mom is unable to help me emotionally, because she is a very busy professional woman, but mostly because she simply states she has no recollection of ever having a difficult time with us kids (that being myself, my brother, and my sister). Her lack of recollection irritates me, because I am a creature of comparison, which I know is not a very good thing when it comes to children, but is a great thing when it comes to my chosen career (nursing school definitely helped foster this behaviour). So my moms lack of memory, and or advice, leaves me totally alone.
My brother and sister are younger, have no kids, my husbands side we are not very close to, my beloved grandmother whom I always leaned on for support and looked to for advice is busy taking care of my cousins baby, since she is incapable (I'm sure I will elaborate that situation at a later date!). I have only a few friends, that I get together with for play dates, and don't feel comfortable venting my feelings to.
I want advice, I am always looking for new ways to improve. I want friends I can talk to that will listen to my fears, anxieties, and joys, without judgment. 
I need EMPATHY, an important word I've learned in the parenting books.

Anyway, at least this blog can serve as a reminder to myself, should I ever forget how challenging it is to be the mother of two little ones, so close together in age